Name: Brian Watson
Company: Rook Energy Solutions, Yarmouth, ME
Brian Watson is the General Manager of Rook Energy Solutions. He is a native of Portland, ME and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration Management with a concentration in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern Maine. Since graduating, he has worked for Rook learning the ins and outs of home energy sustainability, as well as obtaining his certification as a Building Analyst Professional from the Building Performance Institute.
““We will put forth the time and effort required to ensure each customer receives the highest quality service and product.””
We asked Brian….
What makes you different from other professionals in your area?
With over 30 years of experience and two Building Analyst Professionals certified by the Building Performance Institute on-staff, we have the knowledge, experience, and passion necessary to get the job done right the first time. Whether you hire us to assess your home’s energy efficiency, provide personalized, cost-effective solutions to reducing your heating/cooling bills and improving home comfort, or both, we will put forth the time and effort required to ensure each customer receives the highest quality service and product.
Do you have any tips for home buyers?
Prospective homeowners should be wary of certain signs which indicate a leaky, poorly insulated home, including: high annual fuel consumption, ice dams/icicle formation in the winter, fluctuating room temperatures across the home, cold interior surfaces (floors/walls/ceilings), and evidence of the presence of rodents/insects.
What are some common mistakes or mishaps that homeowners could avoid by utilizing Rook?
Energy audits/assessments provide homeowners with the information necessary to make (and prioritize) cost-effective investments toward reducing energy bills and improving home comfort. Too often we see customers who have thrown money at a new heating system or new windows before addressing the root causes of significant heat loss and air leakage throughout their home, thus rendering their investments more or less useless.
Contact Brian
Rook Energy Solutions